Your Size is tied to your HP, you are an IceCream cone. Can you make your way to the very top of the mountain?

Download the Windows build for a better experience!

Controls: WASD to move, SPACE to jump

Initially i wanted to implement a way to kill the enemies. They would then drop various amounts of HP. But i had to scrap that and disable attacking due to a bug i couldn't fix in time.

Fun fact, the AI is more advanced than you might think! They won't follow you unless you can be seen, and are in their attack radius. If you are out of sight (like behind a wall or on another floor) they will only go to your last known position!

Published 29 days ago
PlatformsWindows, HTML5
Tags2D, Indie, Pixel Art


Download 50 MB


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(2 edits) (+1)

Really cute little platformer.

I really like the art of this game, though it doesn't really bring anything new to the platforming genre, it's a simple platforming game and it works, there were some weird graphical artifacts? but it's a small issue so i won't count it, with a little work this could be a really good cute platformer, good job on submitting! (and big props for the options menu!!) :)


Thank you! Most of the art comes from Kenney's website, i only made the characters myself. 

I didn't think someone would aknowledge my options menu 😅

The options actually save even if you close the game. I <3 Godot


Cool little platformer. Nice job


Very hard but a good game good job bayboy